Traditional lasso throwing competition

Sat 17.08 at 17:30

Lasso throwing competition

Kids 4 -7 years. 4 meters
Girls and boys 8-11 years. 5 metres
Girls and boys 12-15 years. 6 metres

Men 16 + years.
Women 16+ years.

Participating fee:
Kids and youth, free

Men and women – 10 eur

Women: throwing distance 7 metres

Men: throwing distance 8 metres


4- 6 throwers stand in a circle and throw their lassos at a post which is in the middle of the. Who ever catches the post first, gets a point. You need three points to advance (in the finals, you need four to win.)


In the beginning, the lasso is open. The thrower has the lasso in their hand and the ”giella” in the other hand. At a signal, all the participants start throwing and who ever catches the post first, gets a point. Throwing continues until first participant catches the post.

First one to get three points, advances to the next round. Six best lasso throwers advance to the finals.

In finals, you need four points to win.